Millennium Community Development Initiatives (MCDI)P.O. Box 4828-00100, NairobiTel: +254-020-2643606Mob: +254-726-145-661Email: environett@gmail.comWebsite: www.mcdikenya.orgOPPORTUNITIESThis website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Maxwell KinyanjuiA great practical environmentalistOpportunities will be sent to members as and when they become available. These include Requests for Proposals (RFPs), invitations to workshops and conferences, invitations to provide research papers, networking opportunities and information that is of interest to organizations involved in conservation, human rights and development initiatives in Kenya and in the East Africa region.
If you have an upcoming event that you’d like to publicize to Environett members, please send it to and the website administrator shall spread the word. This is our network so let us make it work for us so that we can become more effective in our conservation and development work.