Renewable Energy Technologies to Combat Climate Change: At about 70% of the total energy used in Kenya, biomass fuel, which includes firewood, charcoal and crop residue, is the largest form of primary energy. Further, more than 90% of the institutions in Kenya, including schools, hospitals and hostels, use firewood to cook and heat water. Since the 1980s, Charles Gitundu has been designing and producing energy efficient stoves for the domestic, institutional and commercial markets. In 1995, he established the Renewable Energy Technology Assistance Programme (RETAP), an NGO that manages a revolving fund credit scheme, to assist institutions and households buy energy efficient biomass stoves and plant trees for fuelwood. RETAP's partners include the Global Environment Facility (GEF), UNDP, MoE, Ashden Trust, Gatsby Trust, Staples Trust, World Food Programme, Oiko Credit, Ron and Marlys Boehm, Swift Foundation, Sarana Fund, Tree Biotechnology Programme Trust, and COMPACT Initiative.Renewable Energy Technologies
Millennium Community Development Initiatives (MCDI)P.O. Box 4828-00100, NairobiTel: +254-020-2643606Mob: +254-726-145-661Email: environett@gmail.comWebsite: www.mcdikenya.orgChannels
This website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Maxwell KinyanjuiA great practical environmentalist