The members of Mida Creek Conservation and Awareness Group (MCCAG) welcome you to Mida Creek. MCCAG is made up of young people from Mida Creek with the aim of conserving the Creek, while generating income from environmentally sustainable activities. The members generate income by providing tour guide services to both local and international visitors, taking visitors on canoe rides and providing them with meals and refreshments at MCCAG’s restaurant at the shore and/or at the many small islands along the creek. The group also promotes beach clean-ups and mangrove planting.Mida Creek Conservation and Awareness Group (MCCAG)
Millennium Community Development Initiatives (MCDI)P.O. Box 4828-00100, NairobiTel: +254-020-2643606Mob: +254-726-145-661Email: environett@gmail.comWebsite: www.mcdikenya.orgChannels
This website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Maxwell KinyanjuiA great practical environmentalist