Centre for Indigenous Women and Children (CIWOCH), an NGO situated in Magadi Division, Kajiado County is currently running a land rights and natural resources project aimed at enhancing better management of the natural resources, especially land in the division which is predominantly under group ranches. In this regard, it undertook a case study in Kitengela and Isinya, areas where land subdivision occurred, leading to land sales, and land dispossession. The findings of the case study will be shared in Workshops and community forums, to expose the threats that group ranches subdivision poses to the people of Magadi. It shares invaluable lessons from Kitengela and Isinya residents who are both victims and beneficiaries of land subdivision, and subsequently land sales. The case study collected the advice, the history, and the future Cosmo visioning of communities, in the face of land dispossession. It assessed the feelings of the people, read their emotions, and hence communicates to communities of Magadi on the direction to take on whether to subdivide or not. Further to that, it will give them a chance to listen and see the negative and the positive impacts of land sales, in the pastoralist context.It is expected that the findings in this case study will eventually improve the management of land as the most priced commodity to pastoralist and in turn improve their BuenVivir (Well-being)DISINHERITED AT THE BLINK OF AN EYE
Millennium Community Development Initiatives (MCDI)P.O. Box 4828-00100, NairobiTel: +254-020-2643606Mob: +254-726-145-661Email: environett@gmail.comWebsite: www.mcdikenya.orgChannels
This website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Maxwell KinyanjuiA great practical environmentalist